Under the winter sky ....

by Mrs.Daniela Schifano

Pescia, 24th-26th February 2012

... waiting for spring". This is the slogan but also the winning formula of  the first  bonsai exhibition in the year, organized every two years in Pescia by Mrs. Nara Franchi and by the staff of Franchi Bonsai - Vivai.The choice of dates is not accidental and I think it's the strong point of  second edition of this event : it emphasizes the rebirth of Nature after the long winter break and if this concept fits very well to bonsai, stars of the show, is equally valid for people who participate with the enthusiasm typical of the first meeting after the isolation that forces us the cold season.
This year, then, Mrs. Nara has made us a great gift: redoubling efforts, for the first time she has organized an exhibition of Suiseki, dedicated to the memory of our friend Mrs. Paola Gramigni, who died recently. The twenty selected suiseki were housed in the historic rooms of the Bonsai Museum, founded in 1992 by Costantino Franchi, and the competition was as judge Mr. Marino Nikpal, the UBI Vice President.There was a high participation in both exhibitions, which forced the organizers to make a selection to limit the specimens exposed to 50 Bonsai and 20 Suiseki, belonging to major fans of these arts and all of the highest quality.
A high quality, but above all ... warmth, friendliness, enthusiasm and affectionate welcome Mrs. Nara, tireless hostess.
Many events have accompanied the exhibition: the demonstrations held by bonsai masters Kobayashi and Akiyama, an exhibition of Kimoni belonging to Mrs. Kobayashi, one of the ancient pots of bonsai by Mr. Kobayashi, a photographic retrospective that traces the history of bonsai in Italy, where  Franchi company gave a valuable support from the beginning, the demonstrations of origami and the ceremony of investiture of the kimono.
The show ends leaving all one regret: we must wait two years to enjoy the awakening of the hearts.




The location


A precious kimono exposed

  How to wear a kimono
... Before the inauguration    ... the suiseki's lovers play ...    ... after placing their stones

 "Memorial Paola Gramigni " Award


 Mr. Bruno Beltrame
Waterfall Stone

The suiseki of Paola

An hut stone and a lake stone to remember Paola


The other stones in display

Mr. Angelo Attinà
Landscape Stone
"Island reef"
Mr. Angelo Attinà
Landscape Stone
Mr. Sergio Bassi
Landscape Stone
"I bend down to it"
Mr. Fabrizio Beltrame
Landscape Stone
Without title
Mr. Alessandro Bovio
Landscape Stone
"Shelter stone"
Mr. Igor Carino
Without title
Mr. Giuseppe De Vita
Biseki Stone
"Waiting for spring"
Mr. Enzo Ferrari
"Towards the sky" 
Mr. Antonio Marino
Landscape Stone
"The dunes"

Mr. Antonio Marino
Object Stone
Mr. Claudio Nuti
Landscape Stone
"Colors from Tuscany"

Mr. Claudio Nuti
Object Stone
"Memories floating on the river as peach-tree flowers"

Mr. Ezio Piovanelli
Landscape Stone
"Silver threads in the moonlight"

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Pattern Stone
"Last Gleaming dyed gold"

Mrs. Luciana Queirolo
Landscape Stone
"The signs of the time"
Mr. Carlo Scafuri
Landscape Stone
"Eneepah - Mirage island"
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Object Stone
"At sunset"

Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Pietra paesaggio
"Old song"
Mr.. Carlo Vanni
Landscape Stone





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