
Copertina.bmpConsidering the placement in a tokonoma

by Mr.Paul Goff

My English friend Paul Goff, bonsai enthusiast, provides us with an article published on the book by Craig Coussins "Bonsai Master Class" about the display of a bonsai in a tokonoma. In the article special attention is given to the choice of illustration in the scroll, depending on the season and on the bonsai and some considerations are undoubtedly valid also for suiseki.
(Thanks friends Mr. Paul Goff and Mr. Craig Coussins for allowing the publication of the article).

acquila_small.jpgThe messenger

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

In the colour of an uncertain dawn, suspended between moon and sun, I imagine a motionless eagle watching its kingdom: strong in its extraordinary sight, strutting and made even more regal by a blowing wind which lifts its feathers, it eyes every nook and cranny in search of unwary prey, while the sky calls to ride the clouds. Far away, clear and unpolluted, the peak of Fuji dominates the scene : it is a world of serenity that the sacred mountain inspires, a steady landmark even in stormy times for a mankind immersed in the usual everyday life.

DSCF0919_new.jpgStory of a stone

by Mrs.Daniela Schifano

I begin with a quotation, without fear of being prosecuted, because I quote myself: "Every stone has many stories: its geological history, unknown to us, the history that led up to us, the history that bonds us together and that makes it special for us, the story that we will never see."This is the story of a stone, which belonged to someone else before, and even before  has been shaped by forces beyond imagination, in periods not conceivable by our senses.

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