The "Japan Suiseki Exhibition"

During the month of February, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, was held "Japan Suiseki Exhibition" - important exhibition organized by the Nippon Suiseki Association - following which it was published a beautiful catalogue that shows all the stones on display, with texts in Japanese and English.
The catalogue begins with the images of four "Special Entries", or four masterpieces in the art of suiseki, followed by 28 important stones (some of which you've seen in books and journals) exhibited in Tokonoma. Here are 136 stones on display, including 10 exposed to foreign collectors but  Japanese
stones, and finally images of 11 old suiban / doban, 5 tables and a series of Tenkei.

Thanks to Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini, we are able to publish text and images of the first suiseki of the section "Special Entries", hoping to be able to continue in the proposition on these pages of these magnificent Japanese
(On the left, the cover of the catalogue).

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