About us
Many friends, a common passion.
Mr. Felice Colombari |
A.I.A.S. Member
“...I came across suiseki in bonsai magazines in the early nineties; I got enchanted but then I thought these stones could be found just in Japan. Only in 2000, visiting a bonsai exhibition, I saw suiseki from Liguria on display; I was …. 'petrified' with a small mountain which could be kept in a hand... and I fell in love at once.
I immediately started to search in Internet and, little by little, I started to read about these wonders and to understand where to find them. Being experienced as a mineral digger, I started to realize what and where to search…
Almost ten years have gone by, many excursions, much delight, many involved friends, my first daiza... Then a stone made me meet Daniela: a lovely friendship was born and here I am...
I love the search above all, I enjoy the open air. I often do that on my own, sometimes with friends, I feel in harmony with Nature and at peace with myself. When I come across a nice stone, it always looks like a wonder, a predestined encounter and I am…. happy.”
Mrs. Daniela Schifano |
A.I.A.S. Member
"The first time I saw a Suiseki, it was in a bonsai book.. and it was immediate passion. The first thing I asked to myself was: "How couldn't I see them before? Then I realized that it's not always so immediate: except in a streams, stones are often covered with clay and they must be imagined first, then found, and you are not always rewarded with a stone that can be defined Suiseki.
I love all the stones regardless of their origin, I enjoy collecting Japanese, Chinese, American stones... The main thing is that they follow the criteria of traditional Suiseki.
I don’t like cut stones, and I prefer more essential forms.
The moments I like best are the search in nature and the exhibition, for opposite reasons. In the search you are on your own and inside that nature which you try to find in the stones. In an exhibition there is the encounter with the "third reality": the audience, with whom to share the pleasure of observation and learning.
My favorite stone? The one I have not yet found! So the search is not over, the biggest surprise is yet to come, the game must go on..."
Mr. Lorenzo Sonzini |
Socio A.I.A.S.
"La mia passione per il suiseki ha una premessa:
….anch’io, come altri appassionati di suiseki, ho iniziato col praticare l’arte del bonsai e, mentre percorrevo la sua “ do “, la conoscenza del Giappone - attraverso libri, riviste e incontri con maestri giapponesi - mi ha spinto ad approfondire altri aspetti della storia, dell’arte, della cultura, di questa civiltà. E mentre la mia mente, curiosa, seguiva tutte queste nuove vie, ogni volta che incontravo l’immagine di un suiseki ne ero stranamente colpito e qualcosa inconsciamente mi parlava al cuore. Facendo un paragone con l’amicizia o con l’amore, quante persone si sono frequentate per molto tempo, attratte l’una dall’altra, senza che la scintilla scattasse e tramutasse l’amicizia in un sentimento più profondo! |
Una cosa analoga è successa tra me e il suiseki e la scintilla è scattata quando, durante un viaggio in Giappone, ho avuto tra le mani una “kuzuya-ishi” che ora fa parte della mia collezione. Da quel momento la passione è stata totale e incondizionata."