It was in May ...

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

Rome, 18th - 20th May 2012

... despite the autumnal red leaves of this beautiful maple tree which welcomed the public along the Avenue of the Botanical Garden of Rome leading to the greenhouse where also this year our friends of the Cultural Association Bonsai of Rome have organized the XIX Spring Exhibition within the initiatives promoted by the National Gallery of Ancient Art of Palazzo Corsini and the Botanical Garden of Rome. di Roma.

The combination of naturalistic and cultural initiatives has enabled many visitors to spend three pleasant days on the slopes of the Janiculum, in the quiet heart of Rome which outside of this peaceful corner has seen far too many coincident initiatives.


It was in May ... and we are in June! First, allow me a personal digression: because of serious family reasons, this report sees the light after too long, and I apologize, but my enthusiasm and my memories are still fresh.

The nineteenth Spring Exhibition, organized by our friends of the Cultural Association Rome Bonsai, took place in the usual atmosphere of serenity and merrymaking: so many friends took part, so many opportunities to meet and exchange, high-level displays of bonsai and Suiseki, but above all the sincere hospitality of President Mr. Enrico Sallusti, the comic verve of Vice President Mr. Fabrizio Petruzzello and the constant presence of Mrs. Laura Monni simplifying and organizing everything.

Thanks to all from the heart, even to those I have not mentioned but who make this event so enjoyable thanks to their work, from the one who prepares the tokonoma, to those who see to the inevitable, copious libations.


On the right, the plaques awaiting the prize giving.


Right, the prizes : this year Italiansuiseki, by the joint judgment of Mr. Fabrizio Buccini, Mrs. Daniela Schifano and Mr. Felice Colombari, available via the web, has offered a plaque for the suiseki which, for appearance and display, was considered the best in competition. 

With this initiative we launched what we hope will become a good habit, to provide recognition to those Suiseki lovers who engaging in amateur exhibitions propose a stone which is aesthetically fine and contemporarily well exposed.

With a unanimous vote the plaque Italiansuiseki was assigned to a stone that already won many awards, "The sea at night" by Mr. Giuseppe Cordone, on the right a little surprised but happy with Mr. Fabrizio Buccini.

This pattern stone which is of Italian origin and quite natural, always affects the public, even the least experienced ones, thanks to the immediacy with which it communicates the feeling of seeing a rough sea.

The three judges have enjoyed the quiet beauty of the stone and the sober presentation.


For the suiseki, the award of the prize "Best display" offered by the President of the Bonsai Club Napoli, Mr. Antonio Acampora, has definitely been a surprise but also a great satisfaction, just for the importance that this recognition attaches not to the main subject, in this case a suiseki, but to its exposure. 

On the left in the photo, you can see me absolutely surprised, together with President Acampora, before the awarded display, where the display table by Mr. Sergio Biagi and the bronze Doban by Mr. Tiberio Gracco have undoubtedly contributed to the appreciation of this suiseki, a mountain stone from the Yuha desert in California: the dark green colour beautifully blends with the Doban.

Another pleasant surprise was the visit of Mr. Carlo Maria Galli and his wife Cinzia on Sunday. They set out on a long journey from Tuscany for the pleasure of being together and seeing the stones in display. Among the founders of AIAS Association, as a suiseki lover with great experience and as a big-hearted fellow, Carlo from his site makes us partakers of his discoveries in his Maremma, with some videos that make us want to join him immediately.

On the right, Carlo along with Mr. Fabrizio Buccini, the only judge of the exhibition, in front of a pool stone by Fabrizio.

The Suiseki in display were 10, two of them were out of contest because presented by the Judge Mr. Fabrizio Buccini.




The suiseki in display

Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Associazione Sabina Suiseki e Bonsai
Lake Stone
  Out of contest

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita

Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Associazione Sabina Suiseki e Bonsai
Mountain Stone
Out of contest

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita

"Best suiseki in display" Award
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
"At sunrise"
Object Stone

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita

Mention of Merit  "Best suiseki in display"
Mr. Filippo Lanfranchi
 Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
 "The wishing well"
Lake Stone

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita

"Italiansuiseki" Award
Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
 "The sea at night"
Pattern Stone

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita

"Best Display of President Napoli Bonsai Club" Award
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
"The immortal"
Landscape Stone
California (U.S.A.)

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita

Mr. Lamberto Angeletti
Associazione Sabina Suiseki e Bonsai
Mountain Stone

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita

Mr. Cosimo Lo Parco
 Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
 "Mother love"
Object Stone

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita

Mr. Carlo Scafuri
Napoli Bonsai Club
"Eneepah, the mirage island "
Landscape Stone

Clicca per una visione ingrandita


Clicca per una visione ingrandita



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