Postcards from Crespi Suiseki Cup 2010

by Mr.Felice Colombari and Mrs.Daniela Schifano

Parabiago (Milan), September 10th-19th 2010
Waiting for a full report, we publish a preview of Suiseki exhibited at the ninth edition of the Crespi Suiseki Cup 2010, being held these days in Parabiago (Milan), until Sunday, September 19. An opportunity not to be missed for lovers of Bonsai and Suiseki. 
In respect of the anonymity of judgement, we have not published the names of the owners.  
We all thank Mr. Felice Colombari for fast and accurate photo. 
Further, day by day we’ll publish comments and photographs on the various events that are planned.
September, 24th Friday
A few days after the close of the event, we conclude our report on an event that attracts fans from all over Italy (and beyond) and an audience for the big events.

The staff of Italiansuiseki has met, almost complete, in Milan, but unfortunately our Mr. Fabrizio Buccini, for health reasons, was present only with his suiseki, awarded with the second prize.
The honorable mention given to the stone of Mr. Felice Colombari completed our personal satisfaction.
A missed opportunity in many ways, to see us, to know who has found a space on the site and offered his cooperation, to offer a detailed account of events related to the Suiseki, and to spend few days together in search of new stones
(In the photo : Daniela, Felice and Sandro Tschudin)
A prize-giving took place, we were able to publish the names of the owners of the stones in the competition: in the gallery of images was added to the name of the exhibitor and the category assigned to the stone.

Quality, warmth and professional, these are the strengths of this event, that we can ask only to improve the exhibition space devoted to suiseki, which in its present location prevent exposing the stone with its display elements. The smaller stones, which are arranged in closed niches, are the most sacrificed. The stones on display this year were 40, but unfortunately we can not give you the live commentary of the Judge Willi Benz, because in the final weekend of the event he was not present. The only technique to which we refer, announced at the awards ceremony, is the score reached by the top three stones: 89, 86 and 84.
In the interest of transparency, however, the Crespi staff is available to participants: each exhibitor may request your score to the e-mail :


When she arrived, Daniela takes notes ....


Mrs. Susan Crespi, always available


The awarded stone photographed with the Crespi Trophy

After the excitement of the evening gala, on Sunday saw us comment on the stones, to admire the bonsai, browse the sales departments, to find many friends.

We conclude by recalling that two years the event reaches its 10th edition: Mrs. Susan Crespi, giving us the Goodbye, held to remember and to encourage everyone to give life to an edition unsurpassed.

 Mrs. Daniela Schifano



September, 18th Saturday
After the ceremony took, we now publish the images of suiseki winners of the ninth edition of the Crespi Suiseki Cup.

 1° Prize
Mr. Jean Claude Febb


2° Prize
Mr. Fabrizio Buccini


3° Prize
Mr. Claudio Villa


Mention of Merit
Mr.Felice Colombari


Mention of Merit
Mrs.Irene Monti


 BCI Award
Mr.Lorenzo Sonzini


September, 12th Sunday
Round Table on Viewing Stone Art, curated by Mr. Willi Benz



The suiseki’s lovers were able to meet Mr. Willi Benz, international expert and the judge of Crespi Suiseki Cup : a unique opportunity for a assessment of their stones, but also a suggestion on the construction of daiza and exposure of a complicated stone.
In the next sentence of photos, we’ll see how Mr. Willi Benz considers a mountaine stone with a very irregular basis.
For this stone, a mountain with a single slightly peak, Mr.Willi Benz reccomends using a suiban, deep enough to hide the irregularities of the bottom. Altought the suiban of the test is too small for this stone, we can certainly appreciate the validity of the suggestion.


September 11th, Saturday 

Postcards from Crespi Suiseki Cup 2010
Slideshow created with Animoto


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After the preview published Saturday, here is a more classic display of Suiseki in competition, which allows you to linger quietly over each image.

Crespi Suiseki Cup Trophy 20102° PrizeMention of Merit3° PrizeBCI Award

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