In Rome, autumn air

by Mrs. Daniela Schifano

Rome, 2010 October 9th-10th

Maybe someone is casting a spell ?  No, do not worry, however the charm of suiseki and friendship has struck again! The third edition of the Bonsai and Suiseki Autumn Exhibition 'Boys’ Town' was an opportunity to see again Mr. Carlo Maria Galli, one of the most sincere and genuine lovers of this art, who this year came from the Tuscan Maremma with his stones, typical of his territory, but also, like every year, to spend two wonderful days, as a guest of the friends of Rome Bonsai Cultural Association.

First, we have to thank Mr. Enrico Sallusti, president of the organizer club, for the locations at disposal of the participants: three elegantly furnished rooms, large spaces for the market, the Oriental garden for the demonstrations, a precise organization of logistics directed by the omnipresent Mrs. Laura Monni and a cooking that never lacked anything, from starter to “limoncello”. This is made possible by the great collaborative spirit of the whole club, to the members of which we dedicate an endless thank.
The audience was large on both days of the exhibition, the climate right autumnal, many friends came to visit us, in short, an event which is a real pleasure to attend.

In the photo that opens this report, Mr. Carlo Maria Galli and Mr. Fabrizio Buccini are studying and commenting on a stone: who was present was able to hear how a stone is evaluated, to see if it could become a suiseki. And in this spirit the whole event took place: education, considerations about exposure, the different experiences in recent years, research environments, the various materials that our area offers.

In the photo sequence, the stone is "weighed" : in its first public appearance shape, colour and surface are carefully evaluated by Fabrizio and Carlo.
The Suiseki on display were 12 with also two stones out of competition presented by Mr. Fabrizio Buccini and Mr. Enrico Sallusti.
Fabrizio, the judge of competition for suiseki, awarded a lake stone of Mr. Carlo Maria Galli with the plaque 'Best suiseki' and a plateau stone by Mr. Giuseppe Cordone  with the Mention of Merit.
 'Best Suiseki' Prize
Mr. Carlo Maria Galli
Lake stone

Mention of Merit
Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Plateau stone
"Descends and peace rises"

Out contest

Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Associazione Sabina Suiseki e Bonsai di Rieti Lake stone
Mr. Enrico Sallusti
Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
 Lake stone

The other stones in display

Mr. Ottavio Foschi
Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
Landscape stone
Mr. Antonio Marino 
 Napoli Bonsai Club
 Object stone - Human shaped stone

Mr. Carlo Maria Galli 
Plateau stone

Mr. Cosimo Loparco
Associazione Culturale Roma Bonsai
Landscape stone
"Although I know that you're far away"

Mr. Carlo Rocchetti
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Landscape stone
Mr. Carlo Rocchetti
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Landscape stone

Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Pattern stone
"Autumn fruits"
Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Bonsai Club Castelli Romani
Landscape stone
"Where earth meets the stars"
Mr. Gianni Troiani
Associazione Umbria Bonsai Foligno
Landscape stone
Mr. Giuseppe Trifirò  
 Landscape stone



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