Rome : XVII Spring Exhibition

by Mrs.Daniela Schifano

Rome, May 8th - 9th 2010

Fabrizio Buccini comments for you the suiseki on display in Spring Exhibition  2010, a classic appointment organized by the Cultural Association Roma Bonsai in cooperation with the Vegetable Biology Department of “La Sapienza” University at Rome Botanical Garden.
Fabrizio Buccini, as a judge of Suiseki Section and Daniela Schifano as an exhibitor, have been  guests of the exhibition of Bonsai and Suiseki for years. It is one of the many events taking place in these two days, from the Botanical Garden guided tours to the many educational activities for children.

"Best Suiseki in Exhibition"

Mr. Giuseppe Cordone
Landscape Stone - Waterfall Stone
"The lights of time"



"An uncommon example of waterfall stone.
The waterfall flows inside the stone showing maturity and old age. 
I think it is an excellent example of waterfall stone in Europe."


"Even the front display is correct because it allows the viewer to "search for" waterfall in the folds of the rock, stimulating imagination and observation."


"The table is fit for the importance of the stone."

Mrs. Daniela Schifano
Object Stone - Human shape stone
"Night of memories"

"This human figure stone in a few strokes recalls a female figure in a reflective mood.

The patina is excellent, I think it is a remarkable example of this type of Suiseki."
Out of contest
Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Landscape stone - Lake stone

"The water basin is enriched by the signs of time left by the river where it was collected: folds and wrinkles making its surface older."

This stone, awarded in 2004 in San Marino Republic with the award of ESA (European Suiseki Association), is the protagonist of the article you can read at page :
Mr. Fabrizio Buccini
Object Stone - Hut stone
This stone was presented as a well matched element of a rosemary bonsai.


"This stone was a part of the multiple "Reflection", winner of UBI Award in 1998. The hut stone is a kind difficult to find in Italy but extremely popular in Japan as it evokes the concept of an old fisherman's cottage which was abandoned and worn out by time."

Mrs. Daniela Schifano

Landscape Stone - Lake stone
"The countrysides of the dream"

"Lake stone exhibited on a suiban of correct colour for the month of exhibition.
The basin has been highlighted by a small quantity of water.
A good quality of this stone is the line of calcite that gently enters the lake, giving the viewer the sensation of a mountain stream that feeds the lake.
A finely aged stone verging on black :  all these features make it a very remarkable suiseki."

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